Giraffe Party Autism Bingo!
Autism Awareness Month? More like Autistic BEWAREness!
Behold… Giraffe Party Autism Bingo! Not the usual 25 squares you may be accustomed to experiencing. With about a dozen new additions from the last version, we’re now up to 60+ squares… more than double the eye-rolling fun of a standard bingo card!
As usual, this is the annual posting of a collection of misguided nonsense, most of which is frequently spouted by Moms-and-Other-Carers of a Specific Coopted Neurotype persuasion (they love the heck of out the euphemisms, so this is my favorite one for ’em).
There have been autism-related parody bingo cards prior to this, however I created the original version of this several years ago, as a more comprehensive card to get us through what is traditionally the worst month of the year.
Despite some of the cited subjects being less recognizable these days (dolphin therapy and being drawn to water, amongst a few others), plenty are still getting quite a bit of milage from the People Who Worship at the Altar of Puzzles crowd.
Thankfully, April being dreaded is starting to turn around, with the focus slowly being shifted to neurodivergence as a whole and Autism Acceptance Month, thanks to MANY years of work by autistic advocates and our accomplices… however, there’s still a lot of work to be done.
Anyway… if Autism “Awareness” Month is already creating stress for you, feel free to play some bingo to laugh it off with the rest of us 😁
You can download your own printable PDF copy by clicking here!